About Us

Radhika’s Kitchen is a holistic wellness haven founded by Rasakeli, offering a harmonious blend of Ayurvedic principles, yoga, and mindful cooking. It’s a nurturing space where individuals can explore the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit through a variety of offerings. From cooking classes and workshops to personalized consultations and dietary planning, Radhika’s Kitchen is dedicated to empowering others on their journeys to wellness.

To Our Cooking Classes


Spread Ayurvedic wisdom through accessible cooking classes, workshops, and dietary planning. Inspire and educate on the link between food, health, and spirituality. Foster a supportive environment for transformative Ayurveda exploration, enhancing quality of life for all.

  • Radhika’s Kitchen’s vision is to be an Ayurvedic sanctuary where people can find balance and vitality through ancestral wisdom and culinary innovation, thus promoting a healthier and more conscious world.


  • Service: Prioritizing serving others, ensuring transformative experiences with Ayurvedic wisdom and culinary traditions.
  • Well-being: Promoting holistic well-being by nurturing the mind-body-spirit connection.
  • Connection: Cultivating a deep connection with nature and culinary traditions to enrich lives.
  • Education: Empowering individuals through comprehensive education and training to make healthy choices.

About Rasakeli

Rasakeli’s transformative journey from illness to healing served as a catalyst for her profound immersion in the world of holistic wellness. Having found profound relief from IBS and panic attacks through Ayurvedic practices, she was driven to unravel the intricate mechanisms underlying her recovery. This determination led her to embark on in-depth studies under a renowned Ayurvedic practitioner in Los Angeles.

During her time there, Rasakeli delved deep into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Through years of rigorous study and practical application, she refined her skills, developing a nuanced understanding of the subtle energies of the body and its innate healing capacities.

Her education was not confined to the classroom; Rasakeli actively applied her newfound knowledge, offering therapy sessions to her community. The results were nothing short of remarkable—those under her care experienced profound shifts in both their physical and emotional well-being.

Inspired by these successes, Rasakeli established Radhika’s Kitchen as a sanctuary for holistic wellness. Drawing upon her expertise as an Ayurvedic health counselor, yoga teacher, and seasoned chef, she curated a space where individuals could explore the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

Today, Rasakeli’s legacy lives vibrantly through Radhika’s Kitchen, where she continues to empower others on their paths to wellness through a variety of offerings, including cooking classes, workshops, dietary planning, and personalized consultations. Her story stands as a testament to the transformative potential of holistic healing and the steadfast commitment to serving others with compassion and expertise.

JOIN our cooking classes


08 PM – 12 AM


6315 Lindsley Ave, Dallas TX 75223